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Toner žltý 46508709 (3000 strán)


Žltý toner do C332/M363 (3000 strán)

Výťažnosť počtu strán A4 je v súlade s normou ISO/IEC 19798.

Na sklade

SKU 46508709 Kategória Tag EAN: 5031713067320



This is the official plugin, that allows you to choose pickup points of Packeta and its external carriers in all of Europe, or utilize address delivery to 25 countries in the European Union, straight from the cart in your e-shop. Furthermore, you can also submit all your orders to Packeta with just one click.

Plugin functions:

  • the ability to choose a pickup place in your cart using our widget v6
  • the ability to change the destination pickup point of an existing order
  • the option to allow checkout address validation using our widget HD
  • delivery to Packeta pickup places (Czech Republic, Slovakian Republic, Hungary, and Romania)
  • delivery to pickup places of carriers all around Europe
  • the ability to add/modify the packet weight and dimensions before submitting the packet to Packeta
  • automatic sending of orders to Packeta with one click
  • each delivery sent to Packeta will automatically show the tracking number with a link to a website with the shipment tracking
  • the printing of labels, including direct carrier labels
  • printing of shipment lists (AWB)
  • 18+ age verification setting for your products

You can look forward to:

  • automatically updated information on the current packet status
  • the ability to automatically change the order status according to the packet status
  • the filling out of customs declarations and shipping of packets to countries outside of the EU
  • the creation of claim assistant packets
  • the option to choose a pickup place during the manual creation of the packet in the administration


Fixed: A user, who was not logged in, could be shown information about a selected pickup point after loading into the checkout, even if the user had not yet selected a pickup point.


Added: packeta_widget_weight filter
Added: In the case of free shipping, the information “Free” is now displayed after the name of the shipping method.


Fixed: In some cases (depending on the hosting settings), the value of the shipment or COD for the sent shipment was incorrectly displayed in the API Log.
Fixed: In order emails or on the thank-you page, the header “Packeta” is no longer displayed, if no information about pickup points is available.
Fixed: When sending some types of emails (e.g. forgotten password), an error occurred while sending them.
Update: Parameters passed to the Orders endpoint response were moved from order_meta directly to the shipping method. At the same time, a new parameter “point_name” was added.

Ďalšie informácie

Hmotnosť 0.5 kg
Rozmery 30 × 5 × 5.5 cm
Výťažnosť podľa ISO/IEC 19798



Žltá (Yellow)

Produktový list C332


Tiskárna C332 přináší barevný tisk A4 s vysokým rozlišením na psací stůl. Pomáhá tak malým firmám s budováním vlastní značky a úsporou nákladů, a to za překvapivě dostupnou cenu. Díky flexibilnímu zpracování médií a vysoce kvalitnímu výstupu spolu s velkou pamětí pro dokumenty s velkým obsahem grafiky je tato tiskárna ideální pro tisk marketingových i jiných barevných dokumentů v rámci firmy – a s nejvyšší rychlostí na trhu.

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